Journaling Interview Questions For Guest Bloggers

Often it can be hard to write content that's desirable in the blogging world. If you find yourself wishing to collaborate with me but are stumped on blog post ideas, I have constructed the below interview.

Journaling Interview Questions For Guest Bloggers
Photo by Etienne Girardet / Unsplash

Hello Fellow Creators!

Often it can be hard to write content that's desirable in the blogging world. If you find yourself wishing to collaborate with me but are stumped on blog post ideas, I have constructed the below interview. Please give 5-7 photos of your journals, not all photos may be used, but a good selection is helpful. Please be mindful of what you share with the world. Journals do not need to be 'perfect'. Messy pages encouraged.

"Spotlight on Journaling with X Creator"

  1. Who are you?
  2. What's your favorite journaling method?
  3. Do you have a preferred journal brand, size, or paper style?
  4. Why do you journal?
  5. What advice would pass on for would-be journalers?
  6. Do you ever journal to music?
  7. Do you have a particular space you journal in? Coffee shop, your home, etc? Perhaps a particular time of day?
  8. Do you use visual or audio as prompts in your journaling?
  9. Is there anything unique that you would like to add, that maybe you don't see other journalers do out in the internet world?
  10. How can Why We Journal Readers connect with you? Please place your links, website, socials, etc here.

You can use google documents (or any service of your choice) to share the above interview questions with photos. I will not be downloading files, so please take the time to use a cloud service that can be shared between users. Please send to and I will get back to you as soon as I can!