Spotlight on Journaling: Life with Kathleen

I’m Kathleen, the writer behind Life by Kathleen. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with journaling since my early 20s.

Spotlight on Journaling: Life with Kathleen
Photo by Bookblock / Unsplash

Who are you?

I’m Kathleen, the writer behind Life by Kathleen. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with journaling since my early 20s. I have always been interested in self-improvement and journaling is always on any list of top things you can do to improve your life.

It’s love-hate because I love the concept but I hate doing it. I love it because I have seen the effects it can have. I hate it because of the time I think I need to set aside to do it. I love it because it helps the thoughts get out of my head. And I find when I write problems down they don’t seem as serious. I hate it because I am scared someone will read it and judge me for it. I love it because it helps me organize my thoughts and make sense of my emotions. I hate it because I never know how to start.

What's your favorite journaling method?

I’ve used a few different methods of journaling over the years. One of the first was on MySpace. But these days I have two favorite methods of journaling:

The first one is to answer specific questions. But I find that each time I get back into it, I need to start with easy, surface-level type questions before I answer anything deep. I received a set of reflection cards in a subscription box and have been answering some of those questions.

  • What do I value most in life? Why? How do the things I value most make me feel?
  • What is in the way of my happiness? How can I change this or let this go?
  • What do I want to say ‘yes’ to more? Why?

I like these questions because the answers often come to mind pretty quickly and can be expanded on. I also find when I repeat questions like this, my answers change over time. Which is an interesting thing to reflect on.

brown wooden hanging shelf with books
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

The second method is just free writing what is on my mind. I find when my thoughts are going around in circles in my mind, getting them down on paper helps clarify them. The problems often don’t seem as big, as serious, or as important as my brain has been making them. And I often find I solve them as I am writing about them.

In the past, I have also used Word documents on the computer to journal. I’d type out my feelings and thoughts then not save them.

Do you have a preferred journal brand, size, or paper style?

I didn’t think I had a preferred journal type, but after thinking about the journals I have completed, it turns out I do. I use A5-sized notebooks with ruled pages and hardcovers. My current journal was actually purchased at the supermarket.

black hardbound book beside bottle
Photo by Stefan Bookblock / Unsplash

Why do you journal?

I usually journal when something is bothering me and I can’t stop thinking about it. It helps me get the thoughts out of my head and I tend to problem-solve them better this way.

I’ve also done a few courses and worked with coaches where journaling is strongly encouraged.

Do you ever journal to music?

I often listen to calm or focus playlists when I journal, especially when there are others in the house at the time. And I guess that’s why I often struggle to find the time.

I had a subscription to Calm and really enjoyed their music playlists. Now I mostly listen to Lo-fi versions of my favorite albums.

Do you have a particular space you journal in?

There are two places that I tend to sit when I journal. At my computer desk or the dining table. They both have great lighting and are comfortable places to sit and work.

I wish I was the kind of person who could journal from a hammock or on my bed. But that’s just not comfortable for me.

Is there anything unique that you would like to add, that maybe you don't see other journalers do out in the internet world?

At the beginning of 2023, a life coach that I had used in the previous year hosted a six-week challenge. We were to write about any feelings or moments we were leaving behind. And to leave it behind, I chose to burn the pages of my journal that I wanted to leave behind.

Image Provided by Kathleen, Burning Journal Pages

How can Why We Journal Readers connect with you?

You can find and follow me at Life By Kathleen, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Big thank you 🙏🏽to Kathleen for contributing to Why We Journal! Are you a creator, blogger, writer, or just want to collaborate? Head here.

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Journaling Interview Questions For Guest Bloggers
Often it can be hard to write content that’s desirable in the blogging world. If you find yourself wishing to collaborate with me but are stumped on blog post ideas, I have constructed the below interview.

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That's all for this post!

-A Very Enthusiastic Journaler