Ways To Store Your Journals

Today we'll be going over ways to store your journals, both for completed journals and works in progress (WIP).

Ways To Store Your Journals

Hello Fellow Journalers!πŸ–ŠοΈπŸ“–

Today we'll be going over ways to store your journals, both for completed journals and works in progress (WIP).


Bookshelves are ideal for storing journals. Keep them organized in a system from completed to WIP, for easy access and reference. As you fill more journals, you may take up entire shelves (or bookcases) for you completed journals as well as WIP journals.

blue van on brown wooden shelf
Photo by Juliane Liebermann / Unsplash

Storage Totes

Storage totes are like a secret weapon. Maybe you need to place journals out of the way. Do you have an attic, crawlspace, storage shed or unit? Choose durable totes with a locking mechanism so lids don't easily warp and pop off. There are also clear totes that you can choose so you can easily see which tote is storing which journals, instead of opening every bin.

Locking File Cabinet

Some journals are best left under lock and key. (But for the truly private stuff, maybe get a safety deposit box.) A locking file cabinet fits the bill well here. You can also consider a safe, but these are usually pricier. Keep your budget in mind while determining the level of privacy necessary.


Does out of sight, out of mind apply well to your journal situation? An above the closet storage system for extra space while keeping your words within reach of you, but not so easily to the reach of others, can be appealing. Keeping your journals out of sight in your private space can keep what's private to you, private.

white electric guitar in closet
Photo by Jamesthethomas5 / Unsplash

Closed Door Cabinet

If you have a bookshelf or cabinet with doors, this may also be another useful area to keep journals that deserve their own space. These can serve as inconspicuous spots for storage.

Keep Them Safe

Let's work through other problems you may have when considering storage options. For example:

● Do you live in an area of flooding? Locking storage totes placed in an elevated area helps mitigate this risk.

● Do you live in an area at risk for fire? A fire safe storage box is ideal for this situation.

● Do you live in an environment of extreme temperatures? Keeping your journals climate controlled, or as climate controlled as possible is recommended.

Worth The Effort

Why think of any of this? These journals are a look into who you are and your life. They can bring nostalgia, reflection, valuable introspection, and are absolutely of immeasurable value. You lovingly made each one of them. Now, lovingly store them.

purple flowers on brown open book
Photo by Debby Hudson / Unsplash

Need A Helping Hand?

Check out my list on journal storage methods on Benable. Please note, these lists contain affiliate links of which I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you, and these funds go towards my blogging.

πŸ—„ Storage For Your Journaling Era
I’ve used all sorts of storage methods for my journals. Here’s a compilation of ideas and inspiration from my own practical experiences. Everthing listed is a method I used at one point in my life. Please note the links provided are affiliate links. I may recieve a small commission at no additional cost to you, should you decide to purchase through the link provided. Such income goes towards my blogging. Thank you.

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That's all for this post!

-A Very Enthusiastic Journaler